Archive for 2012

Glimpse Of Islam

Glimpse of Islam

Islam is a religion of faith and peace. And Islam is only a religion which provides you a destination and goal. According to Islam there is an endless life after the death of every person in this world. And when a person dies, he will have to answer all the things he had done in his life. Now if he had done good things like he prayed a Namaz, recited a holy Quran, Respected his parents and elders, and lives a life according to the teachings and principles of Islam then he will get an endless success and put into Jannah (Paradise). GOD will award him an independent life called Jannah, which is endless and he will enjoy his endless life there. To get these entire things you have to follow the five basic Pillars of Islam. Following are the basic pillar of Islam, Which are necessary to follow by every Muslim.

1 - Kalima
2 - Namaz
3 - Roza
4 - Zakat
5 - Hajj

Kalima is the key to Islam. No one can enter in Islam without this Kalima. It is the main pillar of Islam. Secondly there is a Namaz. After accepting a Kalima every muslim will have to pray Namaz five times a day. Thirdly, there is Roza. Every muslim will have to make Roza every year in the month of Ramazan (Islamic Month). Fourthly every muslim which has money equal to 612.35 Grams of silver or 87.47 grams of Gold will have to pay Zakat (money) on yearly basis to needy and poor people. Finally if a muslim have a money to visit Saudi-a-Arabia then Hajj is necessary for him at least one time in his life. 

Definition of Religion

Religion is the thing that has a very deep effect on human life. The life style of every person depends on his religion.  It is the combination of Culture, Believes, thinking and views. Every religion represents its own tradition, attitude, language and culture.
What is the Need of Religion?

If we look about thousands of years behind we come to know that there were many religions and beliefs. Some people called stones as their God, some of them called fire as their God etc. You know why? Because it’s a nature of a human that when he wants something then he will try to get it. And  to get it he can use different things. And the thing which help him to get his required thing, he call it as a God or he start believing on it.

Now why there is a need of religion? According to Islam there came at least 124000 Prophets and each with his own religion. The people who accept the teachings of prophet were succeed and those who disobey the teachings had been punished by God. The people who were succeeded have to follow the teachings of the next prophet who came after the first one. The second prophet came with his own religion and now people have to follow him not a previous Prophet. Similarly this belt of Prophets ends on the last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H). And now according to Muslims it is necessary for every person in the world to accept the teaching of prophet (P.B.U.H). Because he is the last Prophet and his religion known as Islam (Peace) is the last religion. 

Who Are The Angels?

Angels are the those who can perform different tasks assigned by Allah (God). For example some angels of Allah (God) are doing sajda to Allah (God) since the beginning of this World. Similarly there is an angel which can deliver food to all the creatures living inside water. There are millions of billions of Angels of Allah (God), which are doing different task assigned by Allah (God). There are four big and main angles in Islam

Hazrat Jibreel (A.S), Jibreel is responsible for revealing the Quran to Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H), verse by verse. The Angel Jibreel is one who communicates with all of the prophets and take “wahi (information)” to messengers of Allah (God).

Hazrat Israfil (A.S), According to the Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H), Israfil is the angel responsible for signaling the coming of Qiyamah (Judgment Day) by blowing a horn. His first blow will bring all people to attention. The second will end all life and the whole world, while the third blow will bring all human beings back to life again to meet their Lord for their final judgment.

Hazrat Mikail (A.S), who provides nourishments for bodies and souls. Mikail is the angle of mercy who is responsible for bringing rain and thunder to Earth. He is also responsible for the rewards doled out to good persons in this life.

Hazrat Izrail (A.S), He is responsible for parting the soul from the body. He is only referred as malak al-maut, meaning angel of death, in the Quran.

Quran as Cure ...Good Things To Know for Muslims.

Three important and beneficial things:

1) Hazrat Muhammad s.a.w.(PBUH) says that "if a person recite " Ayatal
Kursi" after every Farz Namaz then there will be nothing between him and
Heaven except Death"

2) There is a Hadith that says "La Haula Wala Quuata illa billahil
aliyul azeem" is such a great medicine that it cures every disease and
the most minor disease it cures is "Sorrow".

3) Another Hadith says "if a person recites surah ikhlaas (QUL huwallahu
ahad...) 10 times in a day then Allah build a palace for him in the Heaven.
(Subhaan Allah)"

The last but not the least Allah says “spread the knowledge whatever u have .......Its duty of each n every Muslim" so PLZ FORWARD IT TO AS MANY

Don't wait for tomorrow.
It never comes and if it does, it's today. so do it today & now is the time
Happy moments, praise Allah (SWT)
Difficult moments, seek Allah (SWT)
Quiet moments, worship Allah (SWT)
Painful moments, trust Allah (SWT)
Every moment, thank Allah (SWT )

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Women in Islam

Women in the Islamic religion

A woman is the most important part of Islamic as well as other societies. They play a vital role in Islam. If a women will go towards a right path the definitely everything will go well. But if women will follow a wrong way then not only that woman will lose in Islam but she will take a lot more people towards herself. So it’s very necessary for women to take care of her attitude and behavior.

Lets see what Quran says about women.

“Enter into Paradise, you and your wives, with delight.”(Surat 43, Ayat 70).
So if the women do good then God (Allah) will do good to them.

Before the advents of Islam there were the people who used to bury their child’s and women’s alive and there were no sense of rights in that period. Unlike other religions, which regarded women as being possessed of inherent sin and wickedness, and men as being possessed of inherent virtue and nobility, Islam regards men and women as being of the same essence created from a single soul. The Quran declares:
“O mankind! Reverence your Guardian-Lord, who created you from a single person, created, of like nature, his mate, and from this pair scattered (like seeds) countless men and women. Reverence God, through Whom you demand your mutual (rights), and reverence the wombs (that bore you); for God ever watches over you.” (Surat4:Ayat1)
The Prophet of Islam, peace be upon him, said, "Women are the twin halves of men". The Quran emphasizes the essential unity of men and women in a most beautiful simile:
“They (your wives) are your garment and you are a garment for them.” (Surat2:Ayat187)
A woman is not like wrappers in Islam that use it and throw it. There is a system of marriage in Islam. Islam does not consider woman "an instrument of the Devil", but rather the Quran calls her muhsana - a fortress against Satan because a good woman, by marrying a man, helps him keep to the path of rectitude in his life. It is for this reason that marriage was considered by the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, as a most virtuous act. He said: "When a man marries, he has completed one half of his religion." He enjoined matrimony on Muslims by saying: "Marriage is part of my way and whoever keeps away from my way is not from me (i.e. is not my follower)." Also the Quran says:
“And among His signs is this, that He has created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquility with them; and He has put love and mercy between you. Verily in that are signs for those who reflect.” (Surat30:Ayat21).
The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was full of praise for virtuous and chaste women. He said: "The world and all things in the world are precious but the most precious thing in the world is a virtuous woman." He once told the future Caliph, 'Umar: "Shall I not inform you about the best treasure a man can hoard? It is a virtuous wife who pleases him whenever he looks towards her, and who guards herself when he is absent from her." On other occasions the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "The best property a man can have is a remembering tongue (i.e. which remembers God), a grateful heart and a believing wife who helps him in his faith." And again: "The world, the whole of it, is a commodity and the best of the commodities of the world is a virtuous wife." Before the advent of Islam women were often treated worse than animals. The Prophet wanted to put a stop to all cruelties to women. He preached kindness towards them. He told the Muslims: "Fear God in respect of women." And: "The best of you are they who behave best to their wives." And: "A Muslim must not hate his wife, and if he be displeased with one bad quality in her, let him be pleased with one that is good." And: "The more civil and kind a Muslim is to his wife, the more perfect in faith he is." The Prophet, peace be upon him, was most emphatic in enjoining upon Muslims to be kind to their women when he delivered his famous sermon (Arabic: khutba on the Mount of Mercy, at Arafat, in the presence of one hundred and twenty-four thousand of his Companions who had gathered there for the Hajj al-Wada (Farewell Pilgrimage). In it he ordered those present, and through them all those Muslims who were to come later, to be respectful and kind towards women. He said:
"Fear God regarding women. Verily you have married them with the trust of God, and made their bodies lawful with the word of God. You have got (rights) over them, and they have got (rights) over you in respect of their food and clothing according to your means."
In Islam a woman is a completely independent personality. She can make any contract or bequest in her own name. She is entitled to inherit in her position as mother, as wife, as sister and as daughter. She has perfect liberty to choose her husband. The pagan society of pre-Islamic Arabia had an irrational prejudice against their female children whom they used to bury alive. The Messenger of God, peace be upon him, was totally opposed to this practice. He showed them that supporting their female children would act as a screen for them against the fire of Hell:
It is narrated by the Prophet's wife, 'A'isha, that a woman entered her house with two of her daughters. She asked for charity but 'A'isha could not find anything except a date, which was given to her. The woman divided it between her two daughters and did not eat any herself. Then she got up and left. When the Prophet, peace be upon him, came to the house, 'A'isha told him about what had happened and he declared that when this woman was brought to account (on the Day of Judgment) about her two daughters, they would act as a screen for her from the fires of Hell.
The worst calamity for a woman is when her husband passes away and, as a widow, the responsibility of maintaining the children falls upon her. In the Eastern World, where a woman does not always go out to earn her living, the problems of widowhood are indescribable. The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, upheld the cause of widows. Most of his wives were widows. In an age when widows were rarely permitted to remarry, the Prophet encouraged his followers to marry them. He was always ready to help widows and exhorted his followers to do the same. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: "One who makes efforts (to help) the widow or a poor person is like a mujahid (warrior) in the path of God, or like one who stands up for prayers all of the the night and fasts all of the day."
Woman as mother commands great respect in Islam. The Noble Qur'an speaks of the rights of the mother in a number of verses. It enjoins Muslims to show respect to their mothers and serve them well even if they are still unbelievers. The Prophet, peace be upon him, states emphatically that the rights of the mother are paramount. Abu Hurairah reported that a man came to the Messenger of God, peace be upon him, and asked: "O Messenger of God, who is the person who has the greatest right on me with regards to kindness and attention?" He replied, "Your mother." "Then who?" He replied, "Your mother." "Then who?" He replied, "Your mother." "Then who?" He replied, "Your father."
In another tradition, the Prophet advised a believer not to join the war against the Quraish (i.e. the pagan disbelievers at that time) in defense of Islam, but to look after his mother, saying that his service to his mother would be a cause for his salvation. Mu'awiyah, the son of Jahimah, reported that Jahimah came to the Prophet, peace be upon him, and said: "Messenger of God! I want to join the fighting (in the path of God) and I have come to seek your advice." He said, "Then remain in your mother's service, because Paradise is under her feet."
The Prophet's followers accepted his teachings and brought about a revolution in their social attitude towards women. They no longer considered women as a mere chattels, but as an integral part of society. For the first time women were given the right to have a share in inheritance. In the new social climate, women rediscovered themselves and became highly active members of society rendering useful service during the wars which the pagan Arabs forced on the emerging Muslim umma. They carried provisions for the soldiers, nursed them, and even fought alongside them if it was necessary. It became a common sight to see women helping their husbands in the fields, carrying on trade and business independently, and going out of their homes to satisfy their needs.
'A'isha reported that Saudah bint Zam'ah went out one night. 'Umar saw her and recognized her and said, "By God, O Saudah, why do you not hide yourself from us?" She went back to the Prophet, peace be upon him, and told him about it while he was having supper in her room, and he said: "It is permitted by God for you to go out for your needs." The predominant idea in the teachings of Islam with regard to men and women is that a husband and wife should be full-fledged partners in making their home a happy and prosperous place, and that they should be loyal and faithful to one another, and genuinely interested in each other's welfare and the welfare of their children. A woman is expected to exercise a humanizing influence over her husband and to soften the sternness inherent in his nature. A man is enjoined to educate the women in his care so that they cultivate the qualities in which they, by their very nature, excel.
These aspects were much emphasized by the Prophet, peace be upon him. He exhorted men to marry women of piety and women to be faithful to their husbands and kind to their children. He said: "Among my followers the best of men are those who are best to their wives, and the best of women are those who are best to their husbands. To each of such women is set down a reward equivalent to the reward of a thousand martyrs. Among my followers, again, the best of women are those who assist their husbands in their work, and love them dearly for everything, save what is a transgression of God's laws."
Once Mu'awiyah asked the Prophet, peace be upon him: "What are the rights that a wife has over her husband?" The Prophet, peace be upon him, replied: "Feed her when you take your food, give her clothes to wear when you wear clothes, refrain from giving her a slap on the face or abusing her, and do not separate from your wife, except within the house." Once a woman came to the Prophet, peace be upon him, with a complaint against her husband. He told her: "There is no woman who removes something to replace it in its proper place, with a view to tidying her husband's house, but that God sets it down as a virtue for her. Nor is there a man who walks with his wife hand-in-hand, but that God sets it down as a virtue for him; and if he puts his arm round her shoulder in love, his virtue is increased tenfold." Once he was heard praising the women of the tribe of Quraish, saying: " . . . because they are the kindest to their children while they are infants and because they keep a careful watch over the belongings of their husbands."
The Shari'ah (Islamic Law) regards women as the spiritual and intellectual equals of men. The main distinction it makes between them is in the physical realm based on the equitable principle of fair division of labor. It allots the more strenuous work to the man and makes him responsible for the maintenance of the family. It allots the work of managing the home and the upbringing and training of children to the woman, work which has the greatest importance in the task of building a healthy and prosperous society.
It is a fact, however, that sound administration within the domestic field is impossible without a unified policy. For this reason the Shari'ah requires a man, as head of the family, to consult with his family and then to have the final say in decisions concerning it. In doing so he must not abuse his prerogative to cause any injury to his wife. Any transgression of this principle involves for him the risk of losing the favor of God, because his wife is not his subordinate but she is, to use the words of the Prophet, peace be upon him, 'the queen of her house', and this is the position a true believer is expected to give his wife. In contrast to these enlightened teachings of Islam in respect of women, Western talk of women's liberation or emancipation is actually a disguised form of exploitation of her body, deprivation of her honor, and degradation of her soul!

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Beauty of the muslim religion

You know the muslim religion is the 3rd largest religion of the world. And the Holy Book  Quran is the Best Book of the World. Why do we read Quran, even if we can't understand a single Arabic word???? This is a beautiful story.
An old American Muslim lived on a farm in the mountains of eastern Kentucky with his young grandson. Each morning Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table reading his Quran. His grandson wanted to be just like him and tried to imitate him in every way he could.

One day the grandson asked, 'Grandpa! I try to read the Quran just like you but I don't understand it, and what I do understand I forget as soon as I close the book. What good does reading the Qur'an do?'

The Grandfather quietly turned from putting coal in the stove and replied,'Take this coal basket down to the river and bring me back a basket of water.'

The boy did as he was told, but all the water leaked out before he got back to the house. The grandfather laughed and said, 'You'll have to move a little faster next time,' and sent him back to the river with the basket to try again. This time the boy ran faster, but again the basket was empty before he returned home. Out of breath, he told his grandfather that it was impossible to carry water in a basket, and he went to get a bucket instead.

The old man said, 'I don't want a bucket of water; I want a basket of water.

You're just not trying hard enough,' and he went out the door to watch the boy try again.

At this point, the boy knew it was impossible, but he wanted to show his grandfather that even if he ran as fast as he could, the water would leak out before he got back to the house. The boy again dipped the basket into river and ran hard, but when he reached his grandfather the basket was again empty. Out of breath, he said, 'See Grandpa, it's useless!'

'So you think it is useless?' The old man said, 'Look at the basket.'

The boy looked at the basket and for the first time realized that the basket was different. It had been transformed from a dirty old coal basket and was now clean, inside and out.

'Son, that's what happens when you read the Qur'an. You might not understand or remember everything, but when you read it, you will be changed, inside and out. That is the work of Allah (God) in our lives.'
Moreover it is the muslim religion that is a key to succeed.  


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Surah-al-Fatihah is a solution to all problems

Surah-al-Fatihah is a solution to all problems in the human life

It is said by some Sufis that whatever there was in the earlier Divine books is condensed in the Holy Quran and the contents of the Quran are condensed into surah-al-fatihah (first Surah of Quran) and that which is in Surah-al-fatihah is found in bismillah and that which is in bismillah is to be found in its first letter "ba". It is explained that "ba" is a coordinating conjunction and stands for unity. Surely the ultimate aim is to effect union of a devotee with Allah (God) ta'la. Some Sufis have gone still further and have said that whatever there is in "ba" is to be found in its dot (.), which signifies unity of Allah ta'la; a thing which is indivisible as a dot. The Mashayikh have stated that the reading of Surah-al-fatihah with firm belief and faith cures all diseases, whether spiritual or worldly, external or internal. (To use its writing as an amulet and also licking its writing is useful in the treatment of diseases).
The six authentic books of Hadith (the collection of Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Abu Daood, Nasai and Ibn-e-Maja) contain Hadith stating that the Sahaba used to read Surah-al-fatihah and blow upon those bitten by snake or a scorpion and even on the epileptic and on the mentally deranged. Nabi (Sallahu Alahi Wasallum) had also approved of this.
According to another Hadith, it is said that if, at the time of going to sleep, one reads Surah-al-fatihah and Surah-e-Ikhlas and blows on himself he will be immune from all dangers except death.
According to Hadith, Surah-al-fatihah is equivalent to two-third of the Quran in reward.
Hasan al-Basri (Rehmatullah Alaihe) reports the saying of Rasulullah (Sallahu Alahi Wasallum) that whoever reads Surah-al-fatihah is like one who reads the Tawrat, the Injil, the Zaboor and the Holy Quran.
It is reported from Sahabi (Rehmatullah Alaihe) that once a man come to him and complained of pain in his kidney. Sahabi (Rehmatullah Alaihe) advised him to read Asas-al-Quran ("Foundation of the Quran") and blow on the aching spot. When he inquired what was meant by Asas-al-Quran, Sahabi replied "Surah-al-fatihah"
It is written in established practices of Mashayikh that Surah-al-fatihah should be read for the achievement of all our objectives. There are two ways of reading it:
One method is to read this Surah forty-one times for forty days, in the interval between the Sunnah and obligatory rakaat of Fajar salah. The (meem) of bismillah hirrehman nirrahim should be read jointly with (lam) of al-hamdu lillah. Whatever the objective may be, it will, if Allah ta’la wills, be fulfilled. In the treatment of a patient or of one who is bewitched, it should be recited and blown on water to be used for drinking.
The second method is to read it seventy times between the Sunnah and the obligatory rakaat of the Fajar salah on a first Sunday of a new moon, after which the number is reduced by ten every day until the course ends with a reading of ten times on the seventh day. Then this weekly course should be repeated, so as to complete four weeks. If the purpose is achieved at the end of the first month, well and good, otherwise this course should be repeated for the second and, if neccessary, for the third month.
This Surah is also written with rose-water or musk water and saffron, on a porcelain dish, then the writing is washed off and the wash-water is given to the patient for drinking for forty days. This is a sure treatment of chronic diseases. To read it seven times and blow on the patient is similarly an accepted treatment for toothache, headache and pain in the stomach.

So now I hope that all Muslims will read Surah-al-fatihah daily and make it their routine.

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